Trip Introduction & Overview

Update with Map – 9/19/21

Dalmatia (Coastal Croatia), Budapest & Vienna

In 2007 we (Janet and Nick) did our “empty nest” trip. Greg had just gone off to NCSU so with a conference to attend in Vienna, Janet joined Nick for a two week excursion. There were a few days at the Oktoberfest in Munich, several more in Vienna, then a week in Tuscany.

Janet enjoyed Vienna but ever since has wanted to go back to show Nick the museums and other interesting sites he missed while at his conference. Tuscany was great, but we heard even then that Croatia was similarly impressive and when we got back into sailing several years later the islands off the Dalmatian Coast had an obvious allure. So those are our destinations. But, oh yea, with dramatically less expensive dental services in the historic city of Budapest we can also get that implant Nick has needed for over a year, with the savings paying for much of the trip! (A great rationalization, don’t you think?)

Click to Enlarge

So off we go to check a couple items off our bucket-list. We will be sailing with our good friend Dan Leonard; Kim Jackson, a UK national, expert sailor and friend from our 2015 sailing adventure off the west coast of Italy; and Kim’s friend Richard Scott.

At CLT, two angels ready to fly
(Didn’t realize the light placement but what the heck!)

4 thoughts on “Trip Introduction & Overview”

  1. We are in basement waiting out a storm warning and possible 60 mph winds. Tomorrow going to Charlotte for Stan Mazur (la strata owner) funeral.

    Wishing you guys great weather👍

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