The Journey Begins

We are on the road.  We were up early, took Sasha for a short walk, then Janet took her to Ted’s.  She will sojourn with Ted for a week then Dan and Shelly will dogs-sit for the final 11 days of our trip.

Ditch the Bitch
Janet at Ted's to Ditch the Bitch before Leaving

With Sasha under control we left for the lakehouse to clean up after a group that rented last week and prepare for another group that won the week at the International House Gala Silent Auction last October.  That took longer than expected so it was 4:00 before we were back on the road.

On the Road Agin

Meanwhile we are hearing that red-necks are now squating in our driveway back at Waxhaw.  Something about preparing the camper for the hunt camp or some such thing.  No doubt a letter from the HOA is on the way.

Squatters Making themselves at Home in Waxhaw

Heading for Christianbourg VA where we expect to arrive around 8:00 (~60 minutes from now as I write this).

Nick – 8/9/14